How do I find out information about a company?

I need to know as much information about a specific corporation as I can. How can I find this out?


Nexis Uni is a great place to begin a search for information about a corporation. You can access Nexis Uni through the icon located on the Library main page.

There are several different ways to search for information about businesses depending on what you are looking for.

The easiest way to find focused results is by choosing one of the Business focuses. Choosing Business from the top drop down menu will take you to not only another search bar, but a place to find a specific company and information pertaining to only that company.

There are several different ways to search here but to find company information directly, in the bottom left box, click on Find a Company and then enter the name of the company on the next screen. When you receive results, you might be asked to choose between several companies of the same name.




This first Snapshot page is just the beginning of what is available. Use the navigation panel on the left side to find fields of inquiry and aspects of that particular business. You even have the ability to generate a report with the aspects of the company that you wish to collect.




  • Last Updated May 12, 2023
  • Views 80
  • Answered By Patricia DeChant

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